Good News for Students of Franz Bardon

Black Soul Mirror

This Black Soul Mirror notebook is designed to assist those following the Franz Bardon System of Hermetics. In this book, all negative vices and shortcomings are to be listed pertaining to each element. This allows the practitioner to see the balance of the elements at work in the personality and thus to investigate and explore aspects of their own nature in order to achieve a balance of the four elements. This notebook has been produced with special sections dedicated to each element. They are listed in the following order: Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Each element is further divided into three sections; to begin with the smallest qualities, then medium, and finally largest. The notebook also contains a chart at the front and instructions on how to use this chart to calculate your current division of the elements. May all the qualities listed in this book grow into positive expressions of higher potential that benefit the practitioner and the world at large.

White Soul Mirror

This White Soul Mirror notebook is designed to assist those following the Franz Bardon System of Hermetics. In this book, all positive virtues and qualities are to be listed pertaining to each element. This allows the practitioner to see the balance of the elements at work in the personality and thus to investigate and explore aspects of their own nature in order to achieve a balance of the four elements. This notebook has been produced with special sections dedicated to each element. They are listed in the following order: Earth, Water, Air and Fire. Each element is further divided into three sections; to begin with the smallest qualities, then medium, and finally largest. The notebook also contains a chart at the front and instructions on how to use this chart to calculate your current division of the elements. May all the qualities listed in this book amplify and spread their beneficence to all aspects of the self.

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