Who Were The Original Hermeticists?

Who Were The Original Hermeticists?

Who Were The Original Hermeticists? If we were to step back in time to first-century Egypt and go to a Hermetic gathering we would find ourselves amongst a very special group of people. If we look at contemporary historic accounts and the influences within the texts, it’s possible to start to piece together an image of who the practitioners actually were.
We know they:

  • Were guided by native Egyptian Priests of Thoth
  • Still knew how to read Hieroglyphs
  • Had both male and female members
  • Have many Greek Pythagorean members, most of whom were female
  • Included other Greeks who followed Stoic, Platonic and Cynical Philosophies
  • Also included and were inspired by Christians, Jews and Indian yogis

Some of their practices included:

  • Trusted teacher-student relationships
  • Greeting each other with a ritual kiss on the cheek
  • The practice of meditation
  • Using forms of guided visualisation to reach higher states of consciousness
  • Chanting the seven vowels as a form of meditation and prayer
  • A vegetarian diet
  • Viewing the Egyptian tradition as the underlying tradition behind all traditions
  • Drawing knowledge from many different teachings
  • The teachings of sacred statues could act as links to higher forces
  • Studying and training in logic, awareness and intuition training
  • Studying nature as a means to understand the world
  • Believing the cultivation of virtue would lead to inner freedom

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