Sapere Aude Lectures –  A Mosaic Palace – Freemasonry and the Art of Memory

Sapere Aude Lectures – A Mosaic Palace – Freemasonry and the Art of Memory

Sapere Aude Lectures

A Mosaic Palace – Freemasonry and the Art of Memory

In continuation of the Sapere Aude Lectures organized by the Grand Lodge of Georgia, it has the honour to present Martin Faulks, a well-known meditation and memory expert, Past Master of Burlington Lodge 96, London Grand Rank and General Manager of Lewis Masonic The lecture will be held on July 3rd at 17:00 Edinburgh time (GMT +1) sync your time zone

All previous and live lectures are accessible on YouTube channel of the Grand Lodge of Georgia here:

You are encouraged to consider purchasing the author’s books to make the discussion even more challenging and engaging:

The working language: English. The discussion is academic. The decency is a must. NO POLITICS or RELIGION RULE APPLIES. NO DISCUSSION of INTER-JURISDICTIONAL ISSUES. Any violator will be removed and banned immediately.

To learn more of my Georgia you can scroll through the foreigners experiences shared on this Facebook Group: “Spend 4 Seasons in Georgia” –

You are welcome to connect on Facebook with:
1. Bro. Martin Faulks –
2. Bro. David Chichinadze –
3. Digital Library with over 10’000 titles on Freemasonry –
4. Grand Lodge of Georgia – or

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