The Hermetic Yogi Ammonius Saccus was an Egyptian Priest who lived in Alexandria, Egypt 3rd century AD. His first name is Egyptian in honour of the god Ammon. His second name is suspected to be Śākyas the ruling clan of India to which Gautama Buddha also belonged.
He was greatly respected as a teacher in ancient times and had many students. The most famous of which Plotinus. It’s through the writing of Plotinus we can see the harmonisation of Neoplatoic thought and practice with Vedantic philosophy. Indeed although these texts only use western philosophical terminology, they contain descriptions of the various states of consciousness that can be achieved through meditation that would make any yogi or yogini proud.
It’s clear that for Ammonius there was but one truth and that although we use several names for the gods, different terms for practices or ideas, we should reach beyond the words, traditions and cultural barriers to grasp the universal truth.