Magic, it is the force of pure consciousness, which underpins, creates and transforms the whole of existence. As this force is of pure consciousness. Let us consider our mind and the opinions and emotions we hold within it effect our interaction with this force.
In particular let us look at the way we view magic itself as both a force and an art could influence how we could perceive and master this energy. Practitioners from different cultures in different times have faced unique challenges when it has come to this. In times gone by and in certain countries even to this day there are few that would doubt the existence of magic and magical arts, but in the modern western world it is commonly believed that there is no hidden mystical force and everything can be explained within in materialism. For this reason any practitioner functioning and brought up within this culture will find themselves needing evidence in significant amounts and often even with this battling doubts which come not from any sense of perception or any time of failure, but merely from the society and the consciousness from which he or she partakes.
We also see in this group consciousness varying attitudes. Some may find they are effected by their upbringing or through influence in that part of them in the sense that there is something forbidden, incorrect or unholy about the magical force and for this reason there is part of them forever holding back.
A Practitioner must be warned that within the complicated consciousness of a human it is often possible to hold several layers of belief or opinions at the same time. They may have an outwards sense of belief, but find themselves acting as if these forces are not powerful and potent as evidence in their life which suggest. They may find that within themselves a negative association holds back their progress or leads them to avoid certain practises.
Likewise in every age we have been effected by tales and stories, modernly the fictional accounts and depictions of magic they are so strong and vivid that they can act as a great inspiration to the practitioner but also for some they can lead to unrealistic expectations and disappointments for this reason it is very important that the practitioner gets a clear vision of how the magical forces really manifest.
Knowing that when an act when a manifestation comes to play – these energies just like electricity or heat always take the easiest route. For those without those who have eyes to see magic looks like chance and is so rarely spectacular because it does not need to be. Making sure that this understanding and learning to see the effects of an act that guide fate, luck and chance, moving one small thing after another until the will of the magus is manifested This is an important aspect in our training so that our deep mind learns to look and be in tune thus the true art. Rather than dreaming and seeking something exaggerated , encoded and fictionised.
Likewise in every age there have been those who claim great things, wonderful solutions, tall tales using excitement, colorful ideas and convenient truths to lure the unsuspecting and to gain benefit and position. For this reason a practitioner must seek to develop their own senses and to pay attention to those with integrity and demonstrable excellence in the art they profess to have mastered. To listen carefully with a discerning ear and a cautious heart to anyone who seeks to gain their favour in finance or following from something unseen or special These are the challenges of the magus which must be passed in order to gain direct vision and perfect contact with these higher forces.